St Mary the Virgin Scottish Episcopal Church, Hamilton

Rector: Revd Matthew Little

Service Times

Sunday Eucharist 

is celebrated  St Mary's, Hamilton every Sunday at 9.45 am 

with our midweek Eucharist takes place every Wednesday, at 10.30 am.


Sunday Eucharist in St Andrew's, Uddingston, takes place every Sunday at 11.30 am


First Sunday of the month at 4.00 pm in St Mary's


Taizé Service 

Third Sunday of the month at 6.00 pm in St Mary's

All are invited and welcomed

Online Worship

The Services at St Mary's, Hamilton are livestreamed on Zoom. 
Please click the BLUE link below to login to our Zoom service. 
Please ensure your microphone is MUTED and your camera is switched OFF once you log on. 

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